Genetics x Environment x Management

GEM 005 is a natural sundried process sourced through our 20-year collaboration with the CENAPROC cooperative in Bolivia. While natural sundried coffees are a staple in Counter Culture’s menu, the technique is largely untapped in Latin American countries in comparison to its origins in East Africa. This rare example exemplifies the exceptional management practices we value in the process and captures the intrinsic sweetness of the coffee fruit as it dries around the seed.

Why this coffee is a GEM

  • High-quality naturally processed coffees are extraordinarily difficult to create. While the concept of natural sundried processing sounds easy—pick the coffee cherry and dry it in the sun like a raisin—the reality is that it’s easy to end up with poor-quality coffee. However, this challenge inspires producers around the world to demonstrate their skills, innovation, and commitment to managing processes techniques that expand the flavor experience of their coffee. The producers and leaders at CENAPROC in Caravavi, Bolivia are the true embodiment of this pursuit.

  • Perhaps the hardest part of producing high-quality natural coffee is achieving ideal weather conditions, an aspect typically beyond a producer's control. Consistent sun, low humidity, and moderate temperatures are crucial to avoid mold and fermentation issues. Unfortunately, Caranavi, Bolivia, has a tropical climate with high humidity and significant rainfall throughout the year. Despite this, the producers at CENAPROC were determined to innovate.

  • With the use of raised beds and concrete patios, they kept cherries thinly distributed, not mounded into piles, to ensure adequate air circulation and reduction of moisture. Cherries were regularly churned to ensure consistent and uniform drying over the course of 2-3 weeks. The result is an incredibly sweet, clean, natural sundried lot, showcasing a management technique that CENAPROC had never leveraged before.

GEMs embody innovation. Sourced from producers who push the boundaries of coffee production, these unique coffees are exclusively reserved for our most coffee-driven clients: wholesale customers. The GEM line uplifts relationships to unlock the full potential of coffee, one exceptional cup at a time.