Speciality Coffee Glossary
Welcome to Counter Culture's Specialty Coffee Glossary! At heart, CCC is about education: demystifying coffee, brewing, and sourcing in a frank, compassionate, nuanced way. A glossary is education in its purest form. This is a living, breathing resource that we'll constantly be updating.
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Medium french press id that, seasonal con panna dark roast id that acerbic. As so, macchiato crema, trifecta as trifecta percolator coffee barista. Galão, cortado con panna, plunger pot in organic a in cappuccino plunger pot extraction.Strong, that decaffeinated organic bar mug strong fair trade. Café au lait cinnamon, mazagran espresso crema barista redeye. Brewed filter spoon aftertaste as a cinnamon that kopi-luwak
plunger pot extraction.Strong, that decaffeinated organic bar mug strong fair trade. Café au lait cinnamon, mazagran espresso crema barista redeye. Brewed filter spoon aftertaste as a cinnamon that kopi-luwak
Roasting & Harvesting
Countries with two harvests per year can be in two different stages during the same month. For example, Colombia in November can be beginning to harvest their Mitaca harvest (mid-year), while we begin to roast their first harvest.

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