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Single-Origin | Mount Elgon, Uganda

Mountain Harvest Peaberry

apricot | black tea | coconut

Roast Level

light roast

This coffee comes to us via Mountain Harvest, a company working to improve the quality of Ugandan coffee while making the communities that grow it more sustainable. This coffee is a special peaberry selection from farms on Mount Elgon. Peaberries occur when one seed develops inside a coffee fruit instead of two. Sorting them out is extra work, but it’s worth it for their dynamic and sweet flavors. We taste apricot, black tea, and coconut.

The eastern side of Uganda is home to Mount Elgon, a massive, extinct volcano. The mountain is a critical water source that feeds many rivers, including the Nile. Mountain Harvest works with farmers in the region, providing training for growing coffee on plots that average one acre in size. The company supports intercropping and diversification projects to provide shade, food, and additional income for farmers with limited land. 

It’s customary in Uganda for coffees to be prepared for export according to size. Peaberries are among the smallest size beans screened in the milling process and are often excluded from specialty coffee exports. In this case, smaller is better. Since peaberries do not share nutrients with another seed, their flavor is often sweeter and more dynamic. We’re delighted to bring you this unique coffee from an inspiring partnership.

  • Sustainably-Sourced

  • Quality-Focused

  • B Corp Certified

  • Transparently Traded

  • Sustainably-Sourced

  • Quality-Focused

  • B Corp Certified

  • Transparently Traded

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