• Reusable Cup Swap Program

Javista Coffee Bar

Reusable Cup Swap Program

2024 Bloom Fund Recipient

2024 Bloom Fund Recipient

Javista Coffee Bar in Los Angeles, CA, plans to use their Bloom grant to join the Huskee Swap program, an initiative that enables businesses and individuals to more easily reuse and eliminate single-use cups at scale. HuskeeCups are made using coffee husk as the raw material. Customers who opt into this program will not only reap the benefits of discounted coffee, but will also be helping cut down on waste generated by single-use, disposable cups.

To participate, customers make a one-time HuskeeCup purchase. Whenever they bring their cup back to Javista Coffee Bar, they swap it out for a fresh cup with their coffee order. If a customer forgets to bring their cup, they are able to use an app that has them covered to borrow a cup until their next visit.

Bloom Fund

Counter Culture Coffee collects $0.01 from every pound of coffee sold to fund our Bloom program. Annually, $1 per pound of our spring coffee blend, Perennial, goes to further increase our contribution. Bloom provides grants to support sustainability initiatives at Counter Culture Coffee partner cafes. Rooted in the belief that everyone’s path toward sustainability looks a little different, this program supports projects of all shapes and sizes our partners identify as impactful.