• Reusable Cups

Now or Never Coffee

Reusable Cups

2024 Bloom Fund Recipient

2024 Bloom Fund Recipient

Now or Never in New York, NY, received a Bloom grant to launch a reusable cup program with Ecoffee Cups. The goal of this program is to cut down on single use cups. These reusable, eco-friendly plant-based cups allow Now or Never’s regular and returning customers the opportunity to be mindful around their use of single-use cups and help reduce contributions to landfills that impact the earth, without compromising their coffee drinking experience. 

Last year, 10% of Now or Never’s customers were returning coffee drinkers. This averages out to 48 single-use cups a year. With reusable cups, they can reduce up to 72,000 single-use cups! Returning Now or Never customers already receive a 10% discount on all beverages for their loyalty. When returning customers opt into the reusable cup initiative, they will receive an additional 10% discount on their beverages. That’s a whopping 20% discount on all drinks in Ecoffee cups!

Bloom Fund

Counter Culture Coffee collects $0.01 from every pound of coffee sold to fund our Bloom program. Annually, $1 per pound of our spring coffee blend, Perennial, goes to further increase our contribution. Bloom provides grants to support sustainability initiatives at Counter Culture Coffee partner cafes. Rooted in the belief that everyone’s path toward sustainability looks a little different, this program supports projects of all shapes and sizes our partners identify as impactful.